Source code for src.algorithms.deep.DeepAlgorithm

import torch

from algorithms.Algorithm import Algorithm
from algorithms.deep.utils import get_clusters
from graph import Graph

[docs] class DeepAlgorithm(Algorithm): """Base class for Deep Graph Clustering algorithms :param graph: Graph object :type graph: Graph :param lr: Learning rate :type lr: float :param latent_dim: Latent dimension :type latent_dim: int :param epochs: Number of epochs to run :type epochs: int :param use_pretrained: Boolean flag to indicate if pretrained model should be used :type use_pretrained: bool :param save_model: Boolean flag to indicate if the model should be saved after training :type save_model: bool """ def __init__(self, graph: Graph, num_clusters: int, lr: float = .001, latent_dim: int = 16, epochs: int = 100, use_pretrained: bool = True, save_model: bool = False): """Constructor method """ super(DeepAlgorithm, self).__init__(graph) self.num_clusters: int = num_clusters float = lr self.latent_dim: int = latent_dim self.epochs: int = epochs self.use_pretrained = use_pretrained self.save_model = save_model self.x_t = torch.tensor(self.graph.features, dtype=torch.float) self.edge_index_t = torch.tensor(self.graph.edge_index, dtype=torch.long) self.model: torch.nn.Module = torch.nn.Module() self.evaluation_clustering_tries: int = 100 def _train(self) -> None: """Trains the model, to be implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError def _encode_nodes(self) -> torch.tensor: """Encodes the node features using the model :return: Node embeddings :rtype: torch.tensor """ return self.model.encode(self.x_t, self.edge_index_t).detach().numpy()
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Trains the model and runs k-means clustering on the node embeddings. """ if not self.use_pretrained: self._train() if self.save_model:, f"algorithms/deep/pretrained/{self.__class__.__name__.lower()}_{self.graph.dataset_name}.pt") self.model.eval() z_np = self._encode_nodes() clusters = [ get_clusters(z_np, self.num_clusters) for _ in range(self.evaluation_clustering_tries) ] # Run clustering several times and get the best clustering best_clustering = None best_acc = 0 for clustering in clusters: self.clusters = clustering if (acc := self._get_accuracy()) > best_acc: best_acc = acc best_clustering = clustering self.clusters = best_clustering
def _load_pretrained(self) -> None: """Loads the pretrained model """ try: self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f"algorithms/deep/pretrained/{self.__class__.__name__.lower()}_{self.graph.dataset_name}.pt")) except FileNotFoundError: print("No pretrained model found.") self.use_pretrained = False def __str__(self): """Returns the string representation of the algorithm object :return: String representation of the algorithm object :rtype: str """ return "Deep Graph Clustering algorithm object"