"""Adapted from https://github.com/kavehhassani/mvgrl/blob/master/node/train.py
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch_geometric.nn import GCNConv
class GCN(nn.Module):
"""Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) with as single layer
:param in_channels: Number of input features
:type in_channels: int
:param out_channels: Number of output features
:type out_channels: int
def __init__(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int):
super(GCN, self).__init__()
self.conv1: GCNConv = GCNConv(in_channels, out_channels)
self.prelu1: nn.PReLU = nn.PReLU()
self.conv2: GCNConv = GCNConv(out_channels, out_channels)
self.prelu2: nn.PReLU = nn.PReLU()
def forward(self, x: torch.tensor, edge_index: torch.tensor, edge_weight: torch.tensor = None) -> torch.tensor:
"""Forward pass
:param x: Input features
:type x: torch.tensor
:param edge_index: Edge index tensor
:type edge_index: torch.tensor
:param edge_weight: Edge weight tensor (if any)
:type edge_weight: torch.tensor
:return: Embeddings of the nodes at each GCN layer
:rtype: torch.tensor
h1 = self.prelu1(self.conv1(x, edge_index, edge_weight))
return h1, self.prelu2(self.conv2(h1, edge_index, edge_weight))
class Projection(nn.Module):
"""Projection layer
:param latent_dim: Dimension of the latent space
:type latent_dim: int
def __init__(self, latent_dim: int):
super(Projection, self).__init__()
self.fc: nn.Linear = nn.Linear(latent_dim, latent_dim)
self.prelu: nn.PReLU = nn.PReLU()
def forward(self, h: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor:
"""Forward pass
:param h: Node embeddings
:type h: torch.tensor
:return: Projected embeddings
:rtype: torch.tensor
return self.prelu(self.fc(h))
class Readout(nn.Module):
"""Readout function for a one-layer GCN model
def __init__(self, latent_dim: int):
super(Readout, self).__init__()
self.fc: nn.Linear = nn.Linear(latent_dim * 2, latent_dim)
def forward(self, h1: torch.tensor, h2: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor:
"""Pooling layer
:param h: Node embeddings at the first GCN layer
:type h: torch.tensor
:return: Pooled embeddings
:rtype: torch.tensor
return F.sigmoid(self.fc(torch.cat([h1.mean(dim=-2), h2.mean(dim=-2)], dim=-1)))
class Discriminator(nn.Module):
"""Discriminator module
:param in_channels: Number of features in the hidden GCN layers
:type in_channels: int
def __init__(self, in_channels: int):
super(Discriminator, self).__init__()
self.bilinear: nn.Bilinear = nn.Bilinear(in_channels, in_channels, 1)
def forward(self, ha: torch.tensor, hb: torch.tensor, Ha: torch.tensor, Hb: torch.tensor, Ha_corrupted: torch.tensor, Hb_corrupted: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor:
""" Forward pass of the discriminator computer the MI between the two representations of the views
:param ha: Graph embedding of the original view
:type ha: torch.tensor
:param hb: Graph embedding of the diffused view
:type hb: torch.tensor
:param Ha: Node embedding of the original view
:type Ha: torch.tensor
:param Hb: Node embedding of the diffused view
:type Hb: torch.tensor
:param Ha_corrupted: Node embedding of the corrupted original view
:type Ha_corrupted: torch.tensor
:param Hb_corrupted: Node embedding of the corrupted diffused view
:type Hb_corrupted: torch.tensor
:return: Discriminator output
:rtype: torch.tensor
ha = ha.expand_as(Ha)
hb = hb.expand_as(Hb)
return torch.cat(
self.bilinear(hb, Ha).squeeze(),
self.bilinear(ha, Hb).squeeze(),
self.bilinear(hb, Ha_corrupted).squeeze(),
self.bilinear(ha, Hb_corrupted).squeeze()
], dim=-1
class MVGRLModel(nn.Module):
"""Multi-View Graph Representation Learning (MVGRL) model
:param in_channels: Number of input features
:type in_channels: int
:param latent_dim: Dimension of the latent space
:type latent_dim: int
def __init__(self, in_channels: int, latent_dim: int):
super(MVGRLModel, self).__init__()
self.gcn_real: GCN = GCN(in_channels, latent_dim)
self.gcn_diff: GCN = GCN(in_channels, latent_dim)
self.readout: Readout = Readout(latent_dim)
self.projector_nodes: Projection = nn.Identity() # Projection(latent_dim)
self.projector_graph: Projection = nn.Identity() # Projection(latent_dim)
self.discriminator: Discriminator = Discriminator(latent_dim)
def forward(self, x: torch.tensor, edge_index: torch.tensor, diff_edge_index: torch.tensor, diff_edge_weight: torch.tensor, corrupted_idx: torch.tensor = None):
"""Forward pass, a=alpha (original view), b=beta (diffused view)
:param x: Input features
:type x: torch.tensor
:param edge_index: Edge index tensor
:type edge_index: torch.tensor
:param diff_edge_index: Diffused edge index tensor
:type diff_edge_index: torch.tensor
:param diff_edge_weight: Diffused edge weight tensor
:type diff_edge_weight: torch.tensor
:param corrupted_idx: Corrupted index tensor
:type corrupted_idx: torch.tensor
# Graph and node embeddings
ha1, ha2 = self.gcn_real(x, edge_index)
hb1, hb2 = self.gcn_diff(x, diff_edge_index, diff_edge_weight)
Ha = self.projector_nodes(ha2)
Hb = self.projector_nodes(hb2)
ha = self.projector_graph(self.readout(ha1, ha2))
hb = self.projector_graph(self.readout(hb1, hb2))
# Corrupted features embeddings
if corrupted_idx is None:
corrupted_idx = torch.randperm(x.size(0))
_, ha2_corrupted = self.gcn_real(x[corrupted_idx], edge_index)
_, hb2_corrupted = self.gcn_diff(x[corrupted_idx], diff_edge_index, diff_edge_weight)
Ha_corrupted = self.projector_nodes(ha2_corrupted)
Hb_corrupted = self.projector_nodes(hb2_corrupted)
# Discriminator output
disc_out = self.discriminator(ha, hb, Ha, Hb, Ha_corrupted, Hb_corrupted)
return disc_out, ha + hb, Ha + Hb
def encode(self, x: torch.tensor, edge_index: torch.tensor, diff_edge_index: torch.tensor, diff_edge_weight: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor:
"""Embedding function
:param x: Input features
:type x: torch.tensor
:param edge_index: Edge index tensor
:type edge_index: torch.tensor
:param diff_edge_index: Diffused edge index tensor
:type diff_edge_index: torch.tensor
:param diff_edge_weight: Diffused edge weight tensor
:type diff_edge_weight: torch.tensor
:return: Node embeddings
:rtype: torch.tensor
_, ha2 = self.gcn_real(x, edge_index)
_, hb2 = self.gcn_diff(x, diff_edge_index, diff_edge_weight)
return self.projector_nodes(ha2) + self.projector_nodes(hb2)