Source code for src.algorithms.Algorithm

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from collections import defaultdict
from import modularity
from sklearn.metrics import normalized_mutual_info_score, adjusted_rand_score

from graph import Graph

[docs] class Algorithm: """Base class for graph clustering algorithms :param graph: Graph object :type graph: Graph """ def __init__(self, graph: Graph, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor method """ self.graph: Graph = graph self.clusters: list[int] = [0 for _ in range(self.graph.adj_matrix.shape[0])]
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Runs the algorithm """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def evaluate(self) -> list[(str, float)]: """Evaluates the clustering through various supervised (if labels provided in the Graph object) and unsupervised metrics: Supervised: * Accuracy * Normalized Mutual Information * Adjusted Rand Index Unsupervised: * Conductance * Silhouette * Modularity """ metrics: list[(str, float)] = [] if self.graph.labels is not None: accuracy: float = self._get_accuracy() nmi: float = self._get_nmi() ari: float = self._get_ari() metrics.append(("ACC", accuracy)) metrics.append(("NMI", nmi)) metrics.append(("ARI", ari)) conductance: float = self._get_conductance() silouhette: float = self. _get_modularity() internal_density: float = self._get_internal_density() metrics.append(("Conductance", conductance)) metrics.append(("Modularity", silouhette)) metrics.append(("Internal density", internal_density)) return metrics
[docs] def get_clusters(self) -> list[int]: """Returns the clusters :return: Clusters :rtype: list[int] """ return self.clusters
[docs] def get_communities(self) -> list[list[int]]: """ Returns the clusters as communities (list of nodes list) :return: Clusters as communities :rtype: list[list[int]] """ communities = [[] for _ in range(max(self.clusters) + 1)] for node, cluster in enumerate(self.clusters): communities[cluster].append(node) return communities
def _get_accuracy(self) -> float: """Returns the accuracy of the clustering :return: Accuracy of the clustering :rtype: float """ if self.graph.labels is None: raise ValueError("No labels provided for the graph") label_mapping = {} for cluster in np.unique(self.clusters): true_label = np.argmax(np.bincount(self.graph.labels[np.array(self.clusters) == cluster])) label_mapping[cluster] = true_label return np.mean(np.array(self.graph.labels) == np.array([label_mapping[cluster] for cluster in self.clusters])) def _get_conductance(self) -> float: """Returns the average conductance of the clustering :return: Average conductance of the clustering :rtype: float """ conductances = [] for cluster in self.get_communities(): cut_size = nx.cut_size(self.graph.nx_graph, cluster) volume = sum( for node in cluster) conductance = cut_size / volume if volume != 0 else 0 conductances.append(conductance) return np.mean(conductances) def _get_modularity(self) -> float: """Returns the Modularity of the clustering :return: Modularity of the clustering :rtype: float """ return modularity(self.graph.nx_graph, self.get_communities()) def _get_internal_density(self) -> float: """Calculates the average internal density. :return: The average internal density of each cluster. :rtype: float """ densities = [] for cluster in self.get_communities(): subgraph = self.graph.nx_graph.subgraph(cluster) density = nx.density(subgraph) densities.append(density) return np.mean(densities) def _get_nmi(self) -> float: """Returns the Normalized Mutual Information of the clustering :return: Normalized Mutual Information of the clustering :rtype: float """ if self.graph.labels is None: raise ValueError("No labels provided for the graph") return normalized_mutual_info_score(self.graph.labels, self.clusters) def _get_ari(self) -> float: """Returns the Adjusted Rand Index of the clustering :return: Adjusted Rand Index of the clustering :rtype: float """ if self.graph.labels is None: raise ValueError("No labels provided for the graph") return adjusted_rand_score(self.graph.labels, self.clusters) def __str__(self): """Returns the string representation of the algorithm object :return: String representation of the algorithm object :rtype: str """ return "Algorithm object"